All staff are expected to follow the Academy marking and assessment policy, this means that:

- The academy uses a 4 quarter marking system to ensure students gain regular feedback at appropriate times.
- Staff will provide written feedback to students’ twice every ½ term-through assessment marking (Subjects which have 1 hour per week will receive teacher feedback once every ½ term)
- Strength -What student have done well? (subject specific-not generic comments e.g. good work) –
- Target -What does the student need to do to make progress?
- Attainment/progress -What is the student current level/progress
- Response –The students response-showing progress/new learning (green pen)
- Staff will provide verbal feedback to students’ as and where appropriate
- Students’ will respond to all verbal feedback using a green pen
- Staff and students will use subject specific dialogue/terminology during marking via strength and target. Students will respond to teacher feedback using appropriate subject specific terminology
- All staff marking will be undertaken using purple pen
- All student responses to feedback/assessment will be completed using green pen. For extended pieces of writing students will underline the completed target using green pen and ruler.
- All student responses will be assessed and levelled according to progress
- All Independent Learning Tasks will be included in student work books; these will be sub-titled and dated.
- Where ILT is extended pieces of writing/exam questions; these will be marked accordingly following the academy policy
- All other ILT is self-assessed through activities within learning time
Presentation Policy
The Academy expects all students to present their work:
- Using a black pen for writing
- Using a pencil for drawing and pencil crayons for colour (no felt pens)
- Using a ruler and pencil to underline all dates and titles
- Using a green pen to respond to teacher marking and/or underline responses in extended pieces of writing using a green pen and ruler
Therefore it is essential that students are fully prepared for learning. All students should arrive to the Academy with:
- 2 black pens, 2 green pens, 2 pencils, a ruler
(These can be purchased from reception and/or form tutors during morning registration)
Students Will Also:
- Complete all ILT (independent Learning Tasks) to the highest standard, demonstrating high quality independent learning
- ILT’s will be dated, subtitled and underlined using a ruler and pencil
All student work books will have progress data updated at regular intervals to signpost current levels and progress to date-these will be updated in line with progress updates.