Student Absence


On the first day of absence parents are expected to contact the academy.
Students returning to academy following a period of absence are expected to bring with them a short written note from their parent explaining the reason for absence.

Students experiencing accident or illness

Parents of a sick or injured child are contacted by telephone whenever possible and no student is sent home without prior warning. If parents require further information regarding such conditions as epilepsy, asthma and diabetes, policies are available from the academy.


Academy attendance is an important requirement and great emphasis is placed upon improving attendance. Regular attendance improves student performance and raises student expectations. The academy expects every student to attend every day unless they are ill. Student attendance is monitored constantly; parents are contacted on the first day of a student’s absence. If the academy is not informed of an absence or the academy has reason to be concerned regarding your child’s attendance we may involve the Education Welfare Service.

Medical and dental appointments

Appointments should be made whenever possible before the start of the academy day and after 3.00 pm. Students who know they will need to be absent for part of the academy day for routine medical and dental appointments should inform the academy in advance either by a written note addressed to their form tutor from their parent or by bringing their appointment card as confirmation. Students need to sign the appointments record book in the academy office.

Unless the academy has agreed to an absence, reasons other than illness will be counted as unauthorised. Only in exceptional circumstances may the amount of holiday leave in term time exceed 5 days in any academic year. No parent can demand leave of absence for the purpose of holiday as a right. Parents are under a legal duty to send children to academy regularly and risk prosecution if they fail in this duty. Parentally condoned unjustified absence will be classed as truancy.

Only the academy, within the context of the law, can approve absence. The law says:-

  • You must attend school every day.
  • If you are unfortunately ill, your parent/carer should inform the school as soon as possible.

Family Holidays

Leave from academy due to a family holiday should be requested in advance using the Local Education Authority Leave of Absence form. This is available from the academy office. The form should be returned to the academy before the holiday is due to take place.

The law expects, in general terms, that families will be able to arrange to take their holidays when schools are closed. Where the annual holiday is not possible at those times, under exceptional circumstances the Headteacher may consider giving permission for a child to be absent from the academy for a maximum of five days in any one school year.

The academy will not authorise absence for holidays where it feels the education and progress of your child are at severe risk, particularly:

  • During the month of September, at the start of the new academy year.
  • If the student is in Year 9 – end of KS3 examinations.
  • If the student is in year 11 – GCSE examinations and/or if the Y11 student has coursework outstanding.
  • If the student has a module examination near the time of the proposed holiday.
  • If the student has internal examinations/assessments near to the time of the proposed holiday.
  • If the student has an attendance level that would fall below 93% should the holiday go ahead and if
  • the child’s attendance was below 93% in the previous academic year.
  • If the student has already taken five days or more leave during the current academy year (September to July).

Please note: if your request for leave of absence has not been authorised and you take your child out of academy during term time, you may be subject to a fixed penalty notice.

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