Wingfield Advisory Group

Russell Heritage


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Russell is a recently retired Secondary Headteacher, Executive Headteacher and Local Leader of Education. He worked for 38 years in South Yorkshire schools initially as a teacher of Physical Education before moving into middle and senior leadership. Russell is passionate about the impact education can have on improving the life chances of young people especially disadvantaged students. He brings a wealth of experience in secondary education and understands the challenges and opportunities that secondary schools and trusts face. Russell is an advocate for the school led system and is keen to influence trust board decisions which will impact on the lives of future generations. Russell has lived in the Pontefract area for all of his life, his son and daughter both attended New College Pontefract. He is a keen sportsman and has enjoyed participating in and watching sport.

Phil Davis

(Ex Officio)

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Phil Davis started his career as a classroom teacher in Doncaster and after moving through middle leadership was quickly promoted to senior leadership within Rotherham. He is the current serving Headteacher of Wingfield Academy, a secondary school in North West Rotherham. He has spent 14 years of his career in senior leadership and played a significant role in ensuring the school is placed in the top 6% of all schools nationally for progress. He is committed to educational change to bring about an improvement in life chances and this remains the sole reason he is devoted to his role as Headteacher in the community in which he grew up.

Susan Gladwin

Safeguarding and SENDCo Lead

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I am currently married and a mother to a son and two daughters. I am a proud grandma to three, soon to be four grandchildren. Before retiring I was employed as a Deputy Headteacher in the Primary sector with responsibilities for SEND and Safeguarding. I also held the role of SENCo for a several years. This interest has led me to my current role as a SEND support worker. I have 25 years’ experience of Governance both in the Primary and Secondary sector. 15 years of this in the role of Chair going from Special Measures to Good. Whilst my passion lies with SEND and Safeguarding, I have experience of all areas of governance.

Allyson Pearson

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Allyson has been a governor at Wingfield for 11 years. She enjoy the various roles that involves her with the staff and students (e.g. Parents evenings, celebration evenings and also the disciplinary hearings). Allyson lives in the same community that the academy is in, and she believe this gives her an opportunity to be involved and understand it – through her role as a governor. Allyson hopes to help the academy continue to provide the best possible opportunities for all our young people, and is excited to be part of the multi academy trust transfer and the opportunities it will bring to the staff, students and community.

Ann Jamieson

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Ann has had leadership roles including: Head of Physical Education, Head of Personal Social & Health Education and Head of Year in secondary schools in England. She had a two-year 0.5 seconded post to Sheffield Local Education Authority acting as Special Advisor for Physical Education. In her career in Higher Education she has been PGCE Course Leader; Institutional Lead for Teach First; Secondary Partnership Lead and now as Principal Lecturer, responsible for the leadership of UG Secondary Teacher Education. Ann is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in recognition of my local, national and international leadership in LTA.

Claire Hartle

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Claire currently works for Rotherham Local Authority as an Early help Outreach and Engagement worker. Her role focuses on early intervention and prevention to support children and families at the earliest opportunity to remove any barriers in order to provide better outcomes for children and young people. Claire also supports young people who are seeking education, employment and training. She works to both local and national targets and uses data effectively to meet those targets.

Claire has been a parent governor at Wingfield Academy since 2015. She applied for the role as she wanted to become more involved in her children’s education. Claire has always taken a keen interest in education and believes that all children deserve the best possible start in life no matter what barriers they face. Claire has four children, two of which have previously attended Wingfield and did extremely well. Her youngest son is currently in Y11 and she has a daughter who will hopefully attend Wingfield in the future.

Nick Davies

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Nick is a Chartered Surveyor and for the past 12 years he has been a joint owner and director of 3 main businesses within the Sirius Group of Companies, employing 20 staff and comprising Environmental Engineering, Planning and Renewable Energy (developing wind turbines and solar farms). Nick was previously a parent governor at Thorpe Hesley infants, juniors and primary school and a parent governor and Trustee at Wingfield Academy.

Gareth Barker

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